
Light Exposed Cincinnati


Saturday | July 27, 2024

Upon purchasing your seat you are agreeing to the Terms Of Service ( TOS) as follows:

Your workshop seat is non-refundable. If you are not able to attend after you have secured your seat, then you are able to sell your seat and you’re responsible for seeking a buyer. AW Teaches assumes no responsibility in helping you secure a buyer for your workshop seat should you choose to resell it.

We are very flexible if situations change so please communicate with us. If you’re not able to attend the workshop date, please contact us at [email protected] at least 30 days before your workshop date. We will allow you to do the following –

a) Move your seat to a different date and city in 2024.

b) Transfer your seat to available dates/cities in 2025.

Your $150 retainer is considered forfeited if your final balance is not paid 30 days before your workshop date.

Purchasing your seat means that you have read the terms listed above and your payment signifies that you agree to everything listed.


Join me in CINCINNATI, OH for an intimate FULL 1-day, IN PERSON, hands on workshop where we will break down and fine tune light with NO guessing. After the workshop, you will have a clear idea on how you will use light (regardless of the source) according to your desires. You will come from the workshop feeling empowered, and inspired with all aspect of light that will allow you to CREATE the images that you desire!

This will be a full day workshop that will begin mid-morning and it will end in the evening. The actual start and end times will be determined by light and when the sun falls and the time of year. On average, the times will be between 10am – 7pm.

There are a lot of photographers within the industry these days and the only thing that can make you stand out is LIGHT. Without light, you will have no image. I have always been a lover and chaser of light. Light always changes, and will continue to bring photographers new surprises with every shoot. Learning how to SEE, manipulate, shape, and control light is the ultimate goal!  The game has changed after the pandemic! The average person is able to create ok looking natural light images. If you want to stand out, you must invest in your craft and step your game up!

We will dive into advanced natural lighting ( no flashes or reflectors) and how I combine natural light and created light to achieve a different, yet non-flashy look. As well as how to simulate different natural light looks ( regardless of the time of day ) utilizing just one light. I will have different lighting systems at the workshop so that you can make a REAL determination for what you want.

  • You will be taught how to recognize light based on who you are as an individual. This is SOOO KEY!!! This is why I have such relevant longevity within this industry.
  • Equipment sings when it is matches to your personality. Audrey will give you a NO BS review of what you should use based on YOU.
  • Everyone wants a recognizable photographic style. Audrey will show exactly what she does, but you will leave with your OWN style because that is the point of the workshop!
  • You will be shown exactly what I mean when I say no one can envision the shot before I take it. That is a “superpower” that I feel keeps me in high demand. I will show you all EXACTLY what that means.
  • There will be absolutely no “paparazzi style” shooting! Everyone has their own time to have one on one with the models.
  • The shooting time is about the participants. This isn’t a showcase of me! I show you what I do and will explain thoroughly, but I stop and work with each and every one of you as you’re capturing images because everyone is different. I will move each of you in different positions based on your personality. It is my job to figure that out!
  • The goal is to give each participant the tools to create a CONFIDENT style with RECOGNIZING light within less than ideal situations.
  • We will cover how to capture your OWN video during a photo session for your social media content! It can also be something that you sell if you decide to do that because I make sure the images you capture are your own.
  • You are able to use the images that you capture in your social media, website, or wherever you would like to use them.
  • I show you the back of my LCD screen so you can see my SOOC images on that very day on my camera.


About 2-3 weeks after the workshop you will be sent access to a video where I will chronologically go over the day that was captured at your particular workshop. I will go back over the lighting techniques and thought processes that I used to capture the images and how I edit those images.  We will go over editing techniques based on the light you chose to capture via a full editing video that is yours to keep for a lifetime! You will not have to worry about taking notes!

Now I think I am pretty good at post processing! HA! But I honestly love doing it, and every workshop is different because the shooting conditions will always be different. The recap video will always highlight the reasons and why I actually love the post processing aspect.

Remember the bullet point where I spoke about a recognizable photographic style? Well the recap video highlights why all of that works together!!!

This workshop will be intimate and capped at 15 photographers. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS. I believe 15 is a LOT which is why that is the cap. An average group can be 8-10. I have gotten a LOT of positive feedback over the years due to my demand of having a small group.

You do not need to own your own lighting equipment to participate in the workshop. I will supply the lighting equipment. Just bring your camera and favorite lenses. I will supply you all with the triggers so that you can fire the light. It doesn’t matter what camera you use. My workshop supports every camera brand except for Leica. The only reason that brand is left out is because I have never met someone who uses that brand in all the years I’ve been a photographer.

The workshop is catered towards professional photographers, and the serious hobbyists. It doesn’t matter how advanced one is, nor how inexperienced one may be. The techniques I share are completely unconventional, and every single person in attendance will learn more than they think that they will. Many are programmed to think and approach a photographic scene a certain way. I am almost 100% certain that I will show you the complete opposite!

There will NOT be a waitlist. First come…first serve.

Upon purchasing your seat, you are agreeing to the Terms of service listed below:

Your workshop seat is non-refundable. If you are not able to attend after you have secured your seat, then you are able to sell your seat and you are responsible for finding a buyer. AW Teaches assumes no responsibility in helping you secure a buyer for your workshop seat should you choose to resell it.

We are very flexible if situations change. If you’re not able to make the date you signed up for, please contact us at [email protected] 30 days before your scheduled workshop date. We will allow you to do the following…

a.) Move your seat to a different date and city in 2023.


b.) You can transfer your seat to the available cities offered in 2024. 

Your workshop seat is not transferable to any workshops offered in 2025.

Your deposit is considered forfeited if your final balance is not paid 30 days before your workshop date, or if we do not hear from you 30 days prior to your workshop date to make arrangements. Please contact us if your situation changes! We are very flexible to accommodate you will date changes or payment arrangements.

Purchasing your seat means that you have read the terms of service ( TOS ) and are in agreement with all the details listed above.