
Crush IG Reels



::This tutorial will be included in the VP Box::

How to Crush Instagram Reels without dancing or pointing to words was created for the photographer looking for content ideas that will show them how to think outside of the box. It seems the trend for many photographers and other content creators is the trends of dancing, and holding your camera. If you’re anything like me, the idea of doing that gives you a bit of anxiety!! I avoided reels for the longest time because I felt that is what you had to do and that simply wasn’t my personality nor authentic to me. I worried about how I would come up with ongoing content that is true to me.  I started to think long and hard about how to do it. I didn’t want to rely on others to help me with this in terms of filming…etc.

I finally figured out my game plan, and have been pretty successful with it! After I was asked countless times about how I create my content, I did a FREE live webinar about it, and it was very successful! We decided to record it separately so that the content was very cohesive. I am VERY excited about this tutorial, and I know you all will be as well! The ideas I will be sharing simply can not be figured out by just watching my reels because there is almost an underlying goal not just before the fact, but after as well.

This tutorial is not for the photographer that is looking for the basics in how to create reels, such as which button to push to upload. It will be assumed that the basic principles of creating reels is understood. The tutorial is for the person that has no idea how to create content, and think outside of the box.

Some things we will cover…

– How to be authentic on reels.
– How I film my content by myself and the ideas that I create from that footage.
– How I capture the footage when the photo session is the focal point.
– How I repurpose content.
– How I put together footage within a 3rd party software.

..and so much more!

Run Time – 1 Hour

Here’s how to watch your video(s).
-At the top of the toolbar click on “My Account” and enter your login details
– Click on Memberships
– Once you click on memberships you will see your purchased videos.
-Click “View