
See What I See




This tutorial was inspired after photographers didn’t understand what I saw when I looked at a scene. Although I am not sure about a lot of things that I may encounter during my life, I am very sure of every area I want to photograph in. I can instantly see it. I guess this tutorial is an insight to my brain regarding that very important thought process. Well here’s that video!

I am going over a scene that was captured around 12pm in Denver Colorado. This is a city that I never visited prior to photographing there. No one gave me any insight regarding where I decided to shoot, and I didn’t do any location scouting before hand. Basically, I never sought the location out before I began to shoot there.

In addition to what I mentioned above, this gives a really big client advantage. Clients can not envision what I see prior to capturing the image. That means when they see the final image, they are always impressed!

After I go over my thought process in depth, I will show you how I edited the image from start to finish to polish the image. You will be amazed because the image I used was actually an image that was a mistake!

This is a GREAT tutorial to have in your arsenal if you really want to stand out and begin to create a signature look.

Software used: Adobe Camera RAW | Photoshop CC

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